ALL THAT ZAZZ By Mary N. DiZazzo |
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WATERCOLOR EYES Have Made a Comeback Ciao bella,
In the ’90s, I truly believe that ladies took a break from the Blue shadow. It zoomed out of style in a nanosecond! I never really saw it much. It wasn’t on the runways, fashion mags, nails, or anywhere. Guess what? This year, it’s back! All shades of Blue! Watercolor Blue, Turquoise Blue, Blue-green, Aquamarine, Baby Blue, and dark Navy Blue for dramatic eyes! They now can be found in matte or, as I love, a nice Shimmery shade as well as Glittery, Frosted, and/or Shiny. From the drugstore to your fave cosmetic counter is where you’ll score the shade you love. The Blue shades bring out all eye colors! Last year I purchased a fat Blue eyeliner/shadow pencil which I loved. This year I bought two Bluish/Turquoise liners in a Gel pencil and soft glide pencil. I’m looking toward a colorful spring! My fave Turquoise color that is gorgeous as a liner is a powder I bought in Hong Kong. When used with water, it can be used as a liner ... but who has time? Maybe soon I’ll allow myself more time for that! So, my Precious, go out and get Blue! Buona giornata and God bless the United States of America! Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull