ALL THAT ZAZZ By Mary N. DiZazzo |
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Dry Shampoo Ciao bella, You just sprayed on the roots and shaft. Leave in for a couple of minutes and either fl uff or gently brush out. The powder from the Dry Shampoo absorbs the oils and outside elements from your tresses. Leaves hair feeling clean, fresh, and smelling fab! I really like to use Dry Shampoo when I’m not feeling well and don’t want to wet my hair. And also when I’m pinched for time and a last minute event pops up! There are different kinds of Dry Shampoo with many to choose from now that it has once again become popular. I’m sure you can still fi nd PSSSSS...T online or at the Vermont Country Store. Speaking of Vermont Country Store ... I had the pleasure of visiting one in Vermont and there are so many good beauty products that go way back to my Mom and Nana's era. Fine stuff! My New Favorite Dry Shampoo is Living proof®, that's from a wonderful line of hair products made in Cambridge, MA. So my Glamazons, go out with clean hair always! Buona Giornata and God Bless the USA! Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull