ALL THAT ZAZZ By Mary N. DiZazzo |
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The Beauty of New Orleans Ciao bella,
As I still lounge here in my scenic hotel room facing a double view of The Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana, I just finished watching a documentary Kevyn Aucoin Beauty & The Beast in Me, a native of “The Pelican State” (Louisiana). He was the makeup artist for the supermodels and stars of the 1980s and ’90s. Fabulous story that’s a must see! New Orleans is still in the midst of it’s makeover from Hurricane Katrina. The devastation was unimaginable here. I’ve spoken to many people who went through it. One bright element that hasn’t changed is the spirit of the New Orleans people. There is so much laughter and kindness here from all angles. Could be the food! As you travel around the city you can smell the delicious flavors of cooking wafting through every neighborhood. One thing I can say is New Orleans knows how to cook! From Emeril’s (a Massachusetts native) to Popeye’s Fried Chicken, the cuisine is outstanding! The grittiness of Bourbon Street attracts all the party goers! All kinds of music from jazz bands to pail drums can be heard on the street corners and inside pubs. Specialty cocktails, beer, and wine can be purchased street side and carried out. The bright colors of purple, green, and gold adorn not only people but the balconies and galleries of the wrought iron buildings New Orleans distinctively owns. For all the glorious gaudiness of the tourist area New Orleans also boasts of blocks upon blocks of homes of elegant refinement. In The French Quarter, I love Rue Royal ... that’s my kind of street that has a magical aura about its shopping. The stores are street level and so inviting with spell bounding window decor. I’ve also been fascinated with New Orleans above ground cemeteries. We visited where Ann Rice developed her vampire characters and where "Interview With A Vampire" with Brad Pitt was filmed. Families with a tome are buried one on top of each other, saving space! After all New Orleans was once a swamp and below ground burials were impossible due to the water issue. We left Boston last week at 4 degrees! Here in The Big Easy it’s been a balmy 58 and 60 degrees. Oh, how I’ll hate to leave this seductive, thrilling, and warm place! It’s been a great getaway, however, there’s nothing like home sweet home! So my Glamazons I hope I took you away for a few moments to another place! Stay warm and remember spring is around the corner! Stuffed from Beignets!! Buona Giornata and God Bless the USA! Mary N. DiZazzo-Trumbull